Friday, 29 January 2016


Electronic books provide the ideal solution for those of you who work in the community, or can’t get away from the day job during library opening hours. You just need an Athens username and password (if you don’t already have one then register here) and you can read the full content on your work PC or at home on your own computer.

We already have a number of book titles in electronic format, notably the Oxford Handbooks series. Now, thanks to the regional library office we have funding to help buy some additional titles. This has already helped to pay for copies of additional orthopaedics books and Kanski’s clinical ophthalmology: a systematic approach.

We’re working on this project with colleagues at Tameside, East Cheshire and University Hospital of South Manchester, which means we’ll be able to share titles across the four Trusts, giving you access to an even wider range of material.

Keep an eye out for more details of the e-books collection as it develops. 

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