Friday, 15 August 2014

Library training sessions for the autumn

Are you starting a course soon? Is your department planning an audit?

If so, why not attend a library session to brush up on your literature searching skills...

Here are the dates of our courses for the next few months:

Wednesday 10 September 2014 - Introduction to Literature Searching 1.30 - 3.30pm

Friday 19 September 2014 - In-depth Literature Searching 9am - 12pm

Wednesday 24 September 2014 - Writing patient information leaflets 9 - 11.30am

Monday 06 October 2014 - Using PubMed Effectively 1.30 - 4pm

Monday 13 October 2014 - In-depth Literature Searching 1.30 - 4.30pm

Tuesday 04 November 2014 - Writing patient information leaflets 1 - 3.30pm

Monday 10 November 2014 - The Cochrane Library - an evidence based resource 2 - 5pm

Friday 14 November 2014 - Introduction to Literature Searching 9 - 11am

Friday 21 November 2014 - In-depth Literature Searching 9am - 12pm

Friday 28 November 2014 - Introduction to critical appraisal with statistics 9.30 - 11.30am

Training dates for the spring are available from the library microsite or the library's external site.

Just ring 0161 419 4690 or e-mail to book a place on a course.

Oh, and did we mention that all our courses are completely free?!

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