Wednesday, 26 June 2013

the TRIP database

Have you ever used the TRIP database to find evidence? This resource is very user-friendly, and doesn't require a password for access (although there are a lot more features available if you register for a username and password).

To do a search, type your topic in the search box and click 'Search'.
On the right hand side you can filter your results by systematic reviews, primary research, case reports, etc.

Go to the tabs along the top where you can click on images, video clips, patient information and news items, all related to your search.

There is also a DynaMed tab at the top which will link your search to DynaMed results, provided that you've registered and selected Stockport NHS Foundation Trust as your institution in your profile. Any articles from journals that we subscribe to should also have a Full Text link below the document.

If you register with the site, there is a feature called Timeline which keeps a record of your searches - this can be helpful for your continuing professional development. Also, you can click on 'CPD / CME' below a document, which will allow you to reflect about that particular piece of research - you can make notes on what you've learnt and how you will apply it in practice.

Try out a search today - go to and add the Trip database to your list of useful resources for high quality evidence.

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