Thursday, 28 March 2013

March 2013

Well, it appears that winter is still with us! But there is light at the end of the horizon...

The library newsletter is sent out four times a year to current members of the library and anyone else who would like to keep up to date with the latest developments in healthcare.
We publish posts whenever we have news, so it's worth checking our blog from time to time.

New member of library staff!

Welcome to our new Assistant Librarian Stephen Edwards, who joins us following a varied career in healthcare, education and voluntary sector libraries. Stephen will have particular responsibility for helping community staff to access library resources. When he`s not out in the community you`ll be able to find him in the Education Centre Library at Pinewood House.
We are expecting great things from him when he joins our pub quiz team! :-)

Your views do count!

It was back in the autumn that we asked for your views on the library service.  A big thank you to the 346 people who responded

The microsite will have the results in full plus a more detailed analysis by April 22nd but here are some of the actions we are considering.

Opening Times
We will be investigating the implications of having one late night until 7pm.  There is an issue over the building being shut and coverage for holidays.

We are aware that parking for community staff is difficult but this is a larger issue than just for the library

Library environment
The temperature in the library was a concern. Since carrying out the survey, this has improved but we are limited by the system that is installed

Knowledge of library resources
*  Market individual resources by email to improve knowledge of them
*  For community staff organise visits by our Outreach Librarian
*  Update this blog more regularly
*  Investigate using the library catalogue to make users aware of new resources in their areas of interest

Quality of library resources
*  We have removed a large number of old books and will continue to this. 
*  Areas highlighted for improvement include physiotherapy,  laboratory medicine, nutrition, midwifery and anaesthesia.  We are looking for new titles in these areas
*  Provide an online form for suggesting new titles

We will be looking at revising our purchasing model for 2014 ... another survey I am afraid!

*  Majority of users are happy with the level of service and generally with the resources
* There are issues for community staff so we will be working to help them use the online resources more effectively and to provide a system for borrowing physical resources more easily

ClinicalKey trial

In April the library will be starting a trial of ClinicalKey, an evidence-based resource similar to UpToDate and Dynamed. The library staff will be promoting the trial around the hospital so look out for us and let us know if you would like more information about it. You will be able to access it with your Athens username and password for the duration of the trial. Watch this space!

So what will you be able to access during the trial?
Full text access to 523 Elsevier journals
Full text access to 1023 Elsevier books
350 clinical procedures with videso sequences
764 topics under the title of First Consult

At the end of the 2 month trial we will be seeking your views on this resource.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Problems accessing journal articles?

Recent changes to Athens have altered the way in which you access a number of journals.
Unfortunately, the process of logging in is different for different publishers so we've made a brief guide. Always start by searching for the journal via the A-Z Journals list:

• Click on the journal’s name in the A-Z Journals list.
• On the journal’s home page, click on ‘Institutional Login’.
• In the ‘Institution Name’ box, type stepping hill and select Stepping Hill Hospital (Athens).
• Click ‘Login’ and enter your Athens username and password
• You will be taken back to the Wiley Online library home page.
• Enter the journal name in the search box on the left
• Click on the journal title in the search results

• Click on the journal’s name in the A-Z Journals list
• Select NHS England from the drop-down menu and click ‘Login’. Enter your Athens username and password.

BMJ Journals:
• Click on the journal’s name in the A-Z Journals list. Click on ‘Login via Athens or your home organisation’ on the right
• Click on ‘Login via Athens’ on the left hand side of the page and enter your Athens username and password.

Science Direct:
•  Click on the journal’s name in the A-Z Journals list
• Click on ‘Login’ in the top right hand corner
• Click on ‘Go to Athens / Other Institution Login’
• Select ‘OpenAthens Federation (Eduserv)’ from the dropdown menu and click ‘Go’
• Scroll down the list and click on NHS England. Enter your Athens username and password.

EBSCOhost Electronic Journals Service:
• Click on the journal’s name in the A-Z Journals list
• Click on ‘Athens Login’ in the centre of the page at the top. Enter your Athens username and password.

• Click on the journal’s name in the A-Z Journals list
• Click on ‘Athens Login’ in the top right hand corner of the page. Enter your Athens username and password.

If you are still experiencing problems, please ring 0161 419 5809 for help from the library staff.

Free training sessions

The best things in life are free - like the library's training sessions! All you need to do is phone the library on 0161 419 4690 to book your place. Here are the courses we are running over the next few months:


Wednesday 17th 9.30 - 11am Introduction to Literature Searching

Monday 22nd 1.30 - 4.30pm In-Depth Literature Searching 


Thursday 2nd 9.30am -12pm Using PubMed Effectively

Tuesday 7th 1.30 - 4.30pm The Cochrane Library - an Evidence-Based Resource

Wednesday 22nd 9am - 12pm In-Depth Literature Searching


Friday 7th 9.30am-12pm Writing Patient Information Leaflets

Wednesday 12th 2-4pm Introduction to Critical Appraisal - with Statistics

Tuesday 18th 2-5pm In-Depth Literature Searching

Monday 24th 3.30 - 5pm Introduction to Literature Searching


Thursday 4th 9.30-11am Starting a course? How to find journal articles

Thursday 11th 9.30am-12.30pm The Cochrane Library - an Evidence-Based Resource

Monday 15th 1.30-4pm Writing Patient Information Leaflets

Thursday 18th 9.30am-12.30pm In-Depth Literature Searching

You will need an Athens username and password for most of these sessions. If you haven't got an Athens account, you can set one up from any NHS computer here:

The National electronic Library for Medicines (NeLM) is changing

From April 2013, the National electronic Library for Medicines (NeLM) will be integrated into NHS Evidence, and NeLM will no longer exist. NICE is working in conjunction with the UK Medicines Information Service (UKMi) to create a single place for medicines information, which will be called NGS Evidence.Prescribers will be able to search NGS Evidence for high-quality, evidence-based medicines information.

A new personalised Medicines Awareness Service will also be launched in April 2013, replacing the existing NeLM newsletter. Key current awareness information can be e-mailed to you on a daily or weekly basis. More information on this service can be found here:

New Clinical Knowledge Summaries (CKS) service

The new Clinical Knowledge Summaries (CKS) service provided by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) will be going live in early April 2013. The new CKS service will provide summaries of the best available evidence and practical guidance on best practice in an accessible, easy to use format aimed at primary care practitioners. The website will cover a full range of primary care presentations for over 300 primary care topics when it launches. It will also introduce up to 10 new primary care topics each year.
The new CKS service will replace the existing CKS service. You will find the new service at

You are encouraged to register as a NICE user and benefit from all the services offered by NICE. Please click on this link and complete the registration details. You can also register for a My Evidence account by clicking on this link.

Healthcare Apps Library

NHS Healthcare Apps Library – a component of the NHS Integrated Customer Services Platform programme – is now available to view at

The NHS Commissioning Board would be grateful for any feedback on the apps and the Library. You can submit your comments via the feedback form at the bottom of each page. They would also be grateful for any ratings or reviews that people are able to submit for the apps.
For any further enquiries on the Health Apps Library or the NHS Integrated Customer Services Platform programme, please email

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - case reports and surgical techniques

The library's subscription to The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (American volume) also gives you access to two extra features on the website.

'Case Connector - connections and trends in orthopaedic surgery' is a collection of case reports, which can be searched by topic, by disease and condition, or by treatments and procedures.

'Essential Surgical Techniques - evolving practice in orthopaedic surgery' allows you to browse surgical techniques by topic or by year.

Both features are full text resources. You can access them from the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery homepage. Just log on with your Athens username and password and click on Essential Surgical Techniques or Case Connector in the top-right hand corner of the page. Both features are also available for download on mobile devices - see the website for details.

Alternatively, you can log on to Case Connector here: and Essential Surgical Techniques here:

Emerald management journals - last chance to try!

Our subscription to Emerald management journals will be ending on 31st March 2013. The collection contains 120 full text journals focusing mainly around the topics of management, marketing and business.

The basic search function will produce hits from journals, books and case studies, and results with a green tick beside them will indicate that you have access to the full text.

You have until the end of the month to make use of the journals, so click on the link below to try out a search. Click on 'Athens / Institutional login' in the top left hand corner and then 'Athens login' in the centre of the page to enter your Athens username and password.

You can now borrow more books!

You may be happy to hear that the book limit has gone up from 6 to 8 books, two of which can be one-week loans. Fiction and Self-Health books are not included in this limit. So as well as your 8 books, you can also borrow up to four books from our Self-Health collection, or four fiction books.

NHS Stockport's new 'Healthy Stockport Website'

NHS Stockport’s Public Health Department are launching a ‘Healthy Stockport Website’.

This is a new health and wellbeing website featuring lots of information and advice to help those who want to make positive changes to their health and lifestyle. The site covers a range of topics including Healthy Eating, Move More, Smoking, Mental Wellbeing and Alcohol.

Why not take a look via

Department of Health site

“The Department of Health website will move to the new single website for government in March 2013. GOV.UK is the new single website for UK Government":

“If you have a page on our current website bookmarked, don’t worry. Links will continue to work. Our current web pages will either re-direct to the new pages on GOV.UK that contain the same information, or link to an archived version of the page on The National Archives Website.”

Full announcement here: