Friday, 28 September 2012

Information Prescriptions

If you regularly give patients information about their condition, you may be interested in a new website called the Information Prescription Service, which is provided by NHS Choices. This service allows you to quickly create a package of personalised health information for your patient, which you can then print, save or e-mail.

Just select a condition or treatment from the drop-down menu. Patient-friendly information on various aspects of the condition, such as symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention, can be selected to create an 'information prescription'. This can then be saved as a pdf.

There is also an option at the beginning of the process to give the patient's postcode. If this is added, the information prescription will include any local information, such as relevant services or patient groups, located close to the patient's address.

User guides and a tutorial are available on the site. To try out the service, please click here:

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