Friday, 28 September 2012

September 2012

This issue of the library newsletter features another interesting photo from James.

Thank you to everyone who had a go at guessing what the photo from June's newsletter was. Apparently, it was a picture of purple sprouting broccoli being cooked and turning the water purple.

No prizes for guessing what September's photo is!

New look to the Cochrane Library

The Cochrane Library has a new look! However, the homepage remains the same so you won't notice anything's different until you do a search.
Users will see major changes to the layout of search pages and will be able to use new search features including:

• Auto-suggest features within both basic and MeSH (MeSH medical subject headings) search functions

• Updated display of search results and filtering options

• Ability to view search terms and results on the same page

• Ability to insert lines and add one search to one another

• Improved medical terms (MeSH) look-up feature

• Hover-over Tool Tips giving a brief explanation of the functions

More information is available online including a PowerPoint demonstration outlining the new features. And don't forget that the library offers free training sessions on the Cochrane Library and the best evidence-based resources.

Survey news

Like all services, we have to show that we are providing the service that people want in an efficient and cost-effective manner. 

To aid us in this, we will be sending out a user survey to all our members, Athens users and potential service users.  Our last survey of this type went out in 2008 so it is time to seek your opinions again.  For most people, this will be an electronic survey  being delivered to you mid-October.  Please take the time to answer the survey.  Your views are valued.  We do need your input to make this the service that meets your needs (within any budgetary constraints).

Unfortunately, in our attempts to reach as many people as possible, some of you may get the survey more than once.  Accept our apologies in advance and only fill it in once!

New strategy

By June 2013, the library service will need a new strategy. 

* Do you have strong views about your library service?
* Would you like to be involved in setting this strategy?
* Can you give sometime to participate in 1 or 2 meetings, possibly virtual?

If you have answered yes to all these questions, then please contact

If you have answered yes to some of these questions and would like to contribute to the strategy, email the address above with your suggestions.

Those interested in the current strategy can find it on the Library Microsite in the document section, under Other.

Cuts to journal subscriptions

The constraints on the library budget means that this year we will need to make substantial cuts to provision.   The funding available for resource purchase has effectively been reduced.  

One way that this can be met is by cutting a resource that costs a lot of money which in essence is either a journal collection or a resource like UpToDate.  In the journal survey conducted in Autumn 2011, I asked, which would people prioritise: the purchase of UpToDate or journals.  80% of respondents replied they would prioritise UpToDate.  Also, although we cannot make an exact comparison in usage, it would appear that UpToDate has a greater usage at a lower cost per access.

For several years, we have looked at online journal usage and those journals that fall above a certain price per download (usage measure), have been cancelled.   At current usage figures those that are likely to be cancelled do not provide the savings needed.

If I do not find alternative funding or method of purchasing subscriptions, then I propose the following for journal subscriptions for 2013:
* Cancel the Wiley subscription (although its usage costs less per download than the criteria)
* Cancel individual subscriptions whose usage cost per download falls above the usage criteria
The consequent savings will be greater than required so with the difference
* Subscribe to those most used Wiley titles that would meet the usage criteria until the budget threshold is met

I would welcome feedback on this from all concerned.  Please contact me: (library manager)

Information Prescriptions

If you regularly give patients information about their condition, you may be interested in a new website called the Information Prescription Service, which is provided by NHS Choices. This service allows you to quickly create a package of personalised health information for your patient, which you can then print, save or e-mail.

Just select a condition or treatment from the drop-down menu. Patient-friendly information on various aspects of the condition, such as symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention, can be selected to create an 'information prescription'. This can then be saved as a pdf.

There is also an option at the beginning of the process to give the patient's postcode. If this is added, the information prescription will include any local information, such as relevant services or patient groups, located close to the patient's address.

User guides and a tutorial are available on the site. To try out the service, please click here:

Training sessions

The library offers lots of training sessions, which are all free! Here's what's coming up over the next few months:


Monday 1st  1.30 - 4pm Using PubMed Effectively
Tuesday 9th  4 - 5pm Accessing full-text articles
Monday 15th  1.30 - 4.30pm Indepth Literature Searching
Wednesday 24th  12 - 1.30pm Bite-Sized Option: Literature Searching
Tuesday 30th  9 -11am Patient Information Leaflets - where do I start?


Wednesday 7th  10 -11am Accessing fulltext articles
Monday 12th  9.30am - 12.30pm The Best Evidence Based Resources
Friday 23rd  9am - 12pm Indepth Literature Searching
Friday 30th  9.30 - 11.30am Introduction to Critical Appraisal


Friday 7th  9.30am - 12pm Using PubMed Effectively
Friday 14th  1 - 2.30pm Bite-Sized Option: Literature Searching

If you would like to book a place on one of our courses, just phone 0161 419 4690 or e-mail It's as easy as that!