Thursday, 28 June 2012

JUNE 2012

Each issue of our newsletter features a photo taken by James, who many of you will remember was a member of library staff at Stepping Hill. This month we have an intriguing picture of his, and we would like you to guess what it is! Please e-mail us with your suggestions. The prize will be a hessian bag from the library, and we will give away two - one to the person who guesses correctly (all right answers will be put into a hat) and one to the person whose suggestion makes us laugh the most! The address to send your answers to is The closing date is Tuesday 10th July (which also happens to be my birthday, so you might get a piece of cake as well!)

So here it is...

Hospital Open Day 30th June

Stepping Hill Hospital is holding an Open Day on Saturday 30th June from 10am until 3pm. This year's theme is 'Fit for 2012'. The library staff will be demonstrating some informative and fun websites for visitors to try out on the computers. We'll also have a selection of books from our Self-Health collection for you to browse, and there'll be some hands-on activities for children.
So if you are planning on coming along to the Open Day with your family, please pop in and visit us in Pinewood House. We'd love to see you!

New books just in!

Some new books have arrived in the library. Here are a few titles that we hope you'll find interesting:

 An introduction to cognitive behaviour therapy: skills and applications by Westbrook (2011)

 Communication skills in health and social care by Moss (2012)

Advanced practice in healthcare: skills for nurses and allied health professionals by Cox (2012) 

Developing healthcare skills through simulation by Aldridge (2012) 

Mentoring in nursing and healthcare: a practical approach by Kilgallon (2012)

Health visiting: a rediscovery by Luker (2012)

Quick medical terminology: a self-teaching guide by Steiner (2011)
We also have a 2003 edition of this title, available online with your Athens username and password here:


An app a day...

NICE has developed two new applications for smartphones to help healthcare professionals find information and guidance on the move.

The NICE British National Formulary (BNF) app provides easy access to the latest prescribing information from the BNF. Once you have downloaded and activated the app, you can access the content offline. The BNF will give you details of medicines prescribed within the UK, advice on prescribing and information on drug management of common conditions. You will need an NHS Athens username and password to download this app.

The NICE Guidance app allows you to browse and search for NICE guidance, arranged by conditions and public health topics. You can also select full guidance documents and bookmark individual sections of chapters for offline reference on your phone.

The links to download both apps, for Android and iphone users, are available from here:

We also have an app for DynaMed, the clinical reference tool for use at the point-of-care. DynaMed Mobile is compatible with the Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, among others. You will need a DynaMed serial number from the library to download DynaMed Mobile onto your handheld device - please contact the librarians on 0161 419 5809 for more details.

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

New nutrition journal launched

This month sees the launch of the Journal of Nutritional Science - a peer-reviewed, open-access e-journal from the Nutrition Society. The journal will include high-quality research articles on topics in nutritional science, such as public health nutrition, dietary surveys, metabolic studies and obesity. The journal is published by Cambridge University Press and you can view the first issue here:

"Orthoteers" - new orthopaedic resource

The library now has 10 licences for access to a comprehensive orthopaedic website called Orthoteers. This is an excellent educational resource for trainees studying for orthopaedic postgraduate exams or doing research, and is also useful for others involved in musculoskeletal medicine.

There is also a link to Junior Orthoteers which is aimed at undergraduates and junior doctors with an interest in orthopaedics. The content on this site puts more emphasis on basic musculoskeletal examination methods, clinical anatomy and common trauma and elective orthopaedic conditions.

Usernames and passwords are available from the Library Microsite on the hospital intranet, or you can phone the library on 0161 419 4690. To access Orthoteers and Junior Orthoteers, please click here:

Sessions for the summer

Library training sessions are still free of charge, which makes them excellent value in the current economic climate! Here are the dates from July to September:

Using PubMed Effectively
Tuesday 3rd July 9.30am - 12pm

Bite Sized Option: Accessing Full Text Articles
Thursday 5th July 9.30 - 10.30am

The Best Evidence-Based Resources
Thursday 12th July 9am - 12pm

In-Depth Literature Searching
Thursday 19th July 9.30am - 12.30pm

Bite-Sized Option: Patient Information Leaflets - where do I start? 
Friday 17th August 9 - 11am  [NEW DATE!  BY POPULAR DEMAND!]

The Best Evidence-Based Resources
Friday 7th September 9am - 12pm

Bite Sized Option Literature Searching
Friday 14th September 9 - 10.30am

In-Depth Literature Searching
Friday 21st September 9am - 12pm

To book a place on any of these courses, please phone the library on 0161 419 4690.