Monday, 12 September 2011

Journals for 2012

You will be aware that budgets are not increasing and we are being asked to make savings. We are going to be reviewing our purchasing of journals and UpToDate. We will be seeking the views of users via an online survey. This will be sent out to our newsletter list, other email lists, and posted on our Intranet site in the very near future.

Please take the time to fill this out and accept our apologise if you get it more than once. We only want you to complete it once.

These decisions are always very difficult and there will be people who feel their essential journal has not been repurchased. For online journals, we will take into account the number of downloads for the last 2 years, the quality of the journal and the access to other journals in your area. A further balance has to be made between buying a bundle (the cheapest overall method) such as the Wiley collection and buying single titles which can cost upwards of £1000.

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