Link to the dates
Here is a list of the sessions
BITE SIZE OPTION: Internet for Beginners (1 hour)
AIM:To gain awareness of the range of Internet sites which contain quality health information and to feel confident navigating these sites
BITE SIZED OPTION: Literature Searching (1 hour)
AIM: To introduce the clinical databases and learn how to conduct a quick but effective search.
BITE SIZED OPTION: Accessing Full Text Articles (1 hour)
AIM: To be able to access the full text of a journal article from a known reference
AIM: To be able to access the full text of a journal article from a known reference
IN DEPTH Literature Searching (3 hours)
AIM: To provide a comprehensive overview of the NHS clinical databases and to be able to search these effectively using advanced techniques
AIM: To provide a comprehensive overview of the NHS clinical databases and to be able to search these effectively using advanced techniques
The Best Evidence Based Resources (3 hours)
AIM: To understand the purpose and explore the use of prime sources of evidence based information
AIM: To understand the purpose and explore the use of prime sources of evidence based information
Using PubMed Effectively (2 1/2 hours)
AIM: To provide an introduction to using PubMed for finding journal articles, including the full text of articles where available
AIM: To provide an introduction to using PubMed for finding journal articles, including the full text of articles where available
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