Thursday, 16 June 2011

JUNE 2011

Many thanks to James for this photo reminding us that it's summer, despite all evidence to the contrary!

The library newsletter is sent out four times a year to current members of the library and anyone else who would like to keep up to date with the latest developments in healthcare.

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Welcome to our colleagues in Tameside and Glossop

With Tameside and Glossop Community staff joining Stockport NHS Foundation Trust, we are entering an interesting phase in the Library Service. We welcome two new (to us but both very experienced) library staff who run the library based in NHS Oldham.

A reminder to those staff who are now Stockport staff,

** you still have the same access to library staff and library resources at NHS Oldham as before

** you are entitled to attend any of our training courses (free) as described in another item

** you will be moved over to become Stockport NHS Foundation Trust Athens members with access to our full collection of journals

** you may join the physical library based in Stepping Hill Hospital, use the study space and borrow books

There will be changes in how the services are run but we will keep you posted as these changes are implemented

Free access to information on E. coli bacteria

The publisher Springer is offering free access to all its journal articles and book chapters relating to E. coli bacteria. More than 400 scientific articles on E. coli are available for download. Access to the research articles will remain free of charge until the 1st September 2011.

Please click on the following link to access the free content:
You can click on 'Content Type' in the menu on the left hand side to select journal articles or book chapters. You can also search by date or author.

The Robert Koch Institute, an organisation which serves the German Ministry of Health, has further information on the epidemiology, diagnostics and medical management of the outbreak. You can view it here:

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Future Forum - HOT OFF THE PRESS

Here are some potentially useful links if you need them

For overview and link to the Future Forum Report

Reports from the NHS Future Forum
Choice and Competition Report

Education and Training Report
Clinical advice and leadership report
Patient Involvement and Public Accountability report

The Government response to the Future Forum - summary

NHS North West puts it all together

Monday, 13 June 2011

Renewing and returning books the easy way

** Don't forget you can bring your books back out of hours by dropping them off in the Book Box in the Internet Cafe by the Staff Restaurant. Ask in the library for further details.

** Books can also be renewed by phone (419 4690) or by email . You can renew up to 10 times like this without bringing in your books provided no other user has requested them.

** The first 3 reminders are sent by email so if you get letters, send us your email address to enable this facility

NHS Evidence developments

The NHS Evidence site continues to develop. If you are using the link you will find it takes you to a page of NHS Evidence. So what are the points to note?

1. The sign in at the top left hand side IS NOT AN ATHENS LOGIN. It is the sign in to allow you save searches from the front page and to customise the site for your use. You need to register for this separate from Athens.

2. On the front page you can enter your search as you would in Google. Remember " a phrase can be put in inverted commas" to find the exact phrase. Evidence is presented by relevance but can also be presented by date. Filters are available on the left hand side.

3. On the right hand side are links to other parts of the site:

A-Z of Topics: browse the list of clinical and medical topics divided up in to areas such as Guidance; Commissioning; Information for the Public; Medicines; Ongoing Research

Journals and Databases: Athens registration and sign on; NHS online resources such as books and journals; Health Databases Advanced Search; Cochrane Library link

Nice Pathways: see separate topic

Public Health: links to Public Health Evidence

QIPP: Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention with links to QIPP tools and Case Studies

The specialist topics and CKS are no longer available through this site.

Training Sessions

All Stockport based staff and students, including those who were previously employed by Tameside and Glossop, are entitled to attend our training sessions for FREE. There are courses in June and July but non in August. They start again in September and are all delivered in Pinewood House. They are all hands on sessions. Please ring 419 4690 to book a place.
Link to the dates
Here is a list of the sessions

BITE SIZE OPTION: Internet for Beginners (1 hour)
AIM:To gain awareness of the range of Internet sites which contain quality health information and to feel confident navigating these sites

BITE SIZED OPTION: Literature Searching (1 hour)
AIM: To introduce the clinical databases and learn how to conduct a quick but effective search.

BITE SIZED OPTION: Accessing Full Text Articles (1 hour)
AIM: To be able to access the full text of a journal article from a known reference

IN DEPTH Literature Searching (3 hours)
AIM: To provide a comprehensive overview of the NHS clinical databases and to be able to search these effectively using advanced techniques

The Best Evidence Based Resources (3 hours)
AIM: To understand the purpose and explore the use of prime sources of evidence based information

Using PubMed Effectively (2 1/2 hours)
AIM: To provide an introduction to using PubMed for finding journal articles, including the full text of articles where available