The NHS Evidence site continues to develop. If you are using the link you will find it takes you to a page of NHS Evidence. So what are the points to note?
1. The sign in at the top left hand side IS NOT AN ATHENS LOGIN. It is the sign in to allow you save searches from the front page and to customise the site for your use. You need to register for this separate from Athens.
2. On the front page you can enter your search as you would in Google. Remember " a phrase can be put in inverted commas" to find the exact phrase. Evidence is presented by relevance but can also be presented by date. Filters are available on the left hand side.
3. On the right hand side are links to other parts of the site:
A-Z of Topics: browse the list of clinical and medical topics divided up in to areas such as Guidance; Commissioning; Information for the Public; Medicines; Ongoing Research
Journals and Databases: Athens registration and sign on; NHS online resources such as books and journals; Health Databases Advanced Search; Cochrane Library link
Nice Pathways: see separate topic
Public Health: links to Public Health Evidence
QIPP: Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention with links to QIPP tools and Case Studies
The specialist topics and CKS are no longer available through this site.