Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Emerald Healthcare Management Resources

The library has arranged a free trial of Emerald Management First, an online collection of journals and books covering topics such as HR, leadership, change management, strategy and finance.

Staff working for Stockport NHS Foundation Trust can log in with their NHS Athens account to access the full text content. This free trial is available from now until the 22nd October so make the most of this opportunity! Staff working for NHS Stockport should contact the library on 0161 419 4690 for more information.

Access the collection here before October 22nd: http://first.emeraldinsight.com/.

1 comment:

emartllc said...

I was part of the nursing staff at Emerald Healthcare in PSL ,Fl. Working there was the most stressful job I have ever had. Everyday, you wondered if this was the day you would be fired. Management was unapproachable and disrespectful to staff. Management would throw you under the bus to save themselves. Over worked and very underpaid. Administrators comments were at times inappropriate. Scheduler was very prejudice, cutting hours of those she did not like. Constant de-staffing. Different rules for different people. Their are few team player there.

Healthcare Administrator