Friday, 28 May 2010

Changes to accessing the Intranet

Many of you will know that we now have a new Intranet site for the hospital. Some of you will be aware that you must have a trust logon to see any of the microsites, including the Library Microsite.

Don't have a logon but I am a trust employee!
1. Your line manager will need to go on the Intranet, and select New starter from the left hand menu. They will also need to book you on an IT induction
2. Your line manager will be sent details of your IT induction which will take place in Beech House. You must attend to get your logon.

3. Once you have your username and password, you can login. Go to Microsites and then select L for Library or K for Knowledge Zone to see the site. Check out the sections drop down menu for all our detailed information.

NHS Stockport member
1. If you come in occasionally we can set you up with a temporary logon for a few days. We will need NHS ID to do this.

2. If you need access for a longer time, please phone the Intranet Office.

Other members
We can set you up with a temporary logon for a few days. We will need to see your hospital or university ID to do this. If you think you need a logon for longer, please discuss with the Library Manager

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