Friday, 28 May 2010

How do I find the Library catalogue?

The Library catalogue can be accessed from the following places:
Within the Trust and without a logon to the Intranet
* Click on Internet Explorer and select My Applications
* You will see a link to the catalogue

Within the Trust and with a logon to the Intranet
* Click on Internet Explorer and login
* Click on Intranet and Microsites
* Select L for Library or K for Knowledge Zone
* You will see a link to the catalogue on the front page

External? - go to and select Working for us > Library & IT facilities > Books to see the link to an external North West Health Libraries catalogue ( Once you are in a search you can restrict books to Stockport.

Changes to accessing the Intranet

Many of you will know that we now have a new Intranet site for the hospital. Some of you will be aware that you must have a trust logon to see any of the microsites, including the Library Microsite.

Don't have a logon but I am a trust employee!
1. Your line manager will need to go on the Intranet, and select New starter from the left hand menu. They will also need to book you on an IT induction
2. Your line manager will be sent details of your IT induction which will take place in Beech House. You must attend to get your logon.

3. Once you have your username and password, you can login. Go to Microsites and then select L for Library or K for Knowledge Zone to see the site. Check out the sections drop down menu for all our detailed information.

NHS Stockport member
1. If you come in occasionally we can set you up with a temporary logon for a few days. We will need NHS ID to do this.

2. If you need access for a longer time, please phone the Intranet Office.

Other members
We can set you up with a temporary logon for a few days. We will need to see your hospital or university ID to do this. If you think you need a logon for longer, please discuss with the Library Manager

Friday, 7 May 2010

Annual Evidence Updates for May

4 May
CAM for asthma (NHS Evidence - complementary and alternative medicine)
Complementary and alternative medicine specialist collection. This update will include a list of relevant systematic reviews published between March 2009 and April 2010 and an expert commentary.

10 May

Rhinitis (NHS Evidence - ENT and audiology)
A concise collection of emerging research evidence from the past 12 months. Relevant guidelines and systematic reviews, which have undergone quality assessment prior to inclusion. Therapeutic uncertainties have also been updated to highlight priority research topics.

Skin cancer (NHS Evidence - cancer and NHS Evidence - skin disorders) and
published to correspond with Sun Awareness Week. There will also be expert commentaries discussing the significance of the new evidence in a variety of topic areas. Subject to rigorous selection criteria. Information is organised by topic areas and links are provided within each topic to the relevant systematic reviews, guidelines and patient information.

Cystic Fibrosis (NHS Evidence - respiratory and NHS Evidence - genetic conditions) and
Llatest evidence in the field of cystic fibrosis published in the last 12 months, highlighting major publications and implications for practice. Updates on Cochrane protocols and reviews needed, as identified by the Cochrane Cystic Fibrosis and Genetic Disorders Group, will also be published as part of the Annual Evidence Update.

17 May
Oral health (NHS Evidence - oral health)
To mark the start of National Smile Month 2010 (, NHS Evidence – oral health is presenting an Annual Evidence Update covering all aspects of oral health.

24 May
Proteinuria and estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (NHS Evidence - kidney diseases and male urogenital disorders)
Provides an update with the highest-quality evidence on the following subtopics:
1. Basic science
2. Clinical aspects
3. Management.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

MAY 2010

The trees are coming into leaf
Like something almost being said;
The recent buds relax and spread,
Their greenness is a kind of grief.

Is it that they are born again
And we grow old? No, they die too,
Their yearly trick of looking new
Is written down in rings of grain.

Yet still the unresting castles thresh
In fullgrown thickness every May.
Last year is dead, they seem to say,
Begin afresh, afresh, afresh.
'The Trees'

Poem by my favourite poet, Philip Larkin
Photograph by my favourite photographer, James Allen!
(James celebrates his birthday this month)

Training sessions for May

Do you need help finding evidence-based literature to inform your practice?

The library will be running a course on Tuesday 11th May from 1.30 to 4.30pm, called The best evidence based resources. The training session will first look briefly at Up to Date and Dynamed, and will then focus on the Cochrane Library, which is regarded as the gold standard for evidence based health care. And it's absolutely free! Call 4690 to book a place.

Here are the other courses we are running this month - all are in Pinewood House, first floor, and all are free of charge:

Tuesday 18th May 9am-12pm
In depth literature searching

Tuesday 25th May 3-4pm
Bite sized option: Literature searching

Thursday 27th May 12-1pm
Bite sized option: ATHENS - it's all Greek to me!

Diagnostic Histopathology

The library now has online access to Diagnostic Histopathology from 2008 onwards. The aim of this monthly review journal is to provide the diagnostic pathologist with up-to-date reviews on histopathology and cytology, and information on related technical advances. Click on the following link to see the latest issue:

The login box is in the top-right hand corner: click on Login, and then Athens login. Access is only available to Stockport NHS Foundation Trust employees. If you are a Stockport PCT library member, you can view full text articles within the library.

New journal: Frontline Gastroenterology

The BMJ Group and the British Society of Gastroenterology have published a new journal called Frontline Gastroenterology. This multidisciplinary journal aims to focus on best practice in the fields of gastroenterology and hepatology, especially within the areas of clinical quality, patient experience, workforce, value for money and new ways of working.

It will be published quarterly, and you can sign up to to receive an e-mail alert when a new issue arrives. This will contain the table of contents and links to the articles. Contact the library if you would like to be put on the mailing list.

You can see the table of contents for the first issue here:

Full text is available when you log in with your Athens username and password.

Are you writing a case report?

If you are thinking of writing a medical case report, you may be interested in the results of the following PubMed search. Some of the articles in this bibliography contain checklists or specified criteria which authors would find useful. A few of the articles are free. You can check our Journals A-Z to see if we have access to the others.