Monday, 22 February 2010

NHS Evidence needs user input

Redesign of Specialist Collections
One of the main aims of NHS Evidence is to engage with users and stakeholders to understand their information needs and experiences. They are currently planning a series of workshops to develop a better understanding of users’ views about the Specialist Collections and to generate ideas for the future development of these resources. We want to speak to a variety of users who work in different clinical settings and who currently use Specialist Collections, in order to gauge their views across the different resources.

What will be expected of you? You are invited to take part in several workshops and activities, which will take place over a four month period. The first session will take place during the first week in March 2010. This will be carried out in the evening and will last up to two hours. The sessions will be held at research facilities in Manchester.

Interested? contact
Jackie Kearney Tel: 0161 219 3790
Katie Adams Tel: 0161 219 3750

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