Thursday, 1 October 2009

NHS Evidence: October Annual Evidence Updates


Annual Evidence Update on Heart Failure (NHS Evidence - cardiovascular)
This update for health professionals and patients will include guidance and systematic reviews published since the 2008 update, together with the latest website resources. A team of expert reviewers will summarise advances in diagnosis and treatments, providing healthcare professionals with easy access to the latest evidence.
There will be a link to the Annual Evidence Update at the following address:

Annual Evidence Update on Depression (NHS Evidence - mental health)
The AEU will be divided up into sections on:

* Incidence and Prevalence
* Diagnosis, Prevention and Screening
* Pharmacological Treatments
* Psychological Therapies
* Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
* Complementary and Alternative Treatments
* Populations and Settings
* Genetics

Go to to see a link to the Update when it is published.

Annual Evidence Update on CAM for Depression (NHS Evidence - complementary and alternative medicine)
The aim of the 2009 Annual Evidence Update on CAM for Depression is to identify, organise and present the most up-to-date evidence for this topic. It will include a summary of the evidence from systematic reviews and RCTs published between July 2008 and August 2009. This update is linked to the 2009 Annual Evidence Update on Depression hosted by NHS Evidence – mental health.
Click on to see the link to the Annual Evidence Update.


Annual Evidence Update on Breast Cancer (NHS Evidence - cancer)
Examples of topic areas that will be covered include:

* Sentinel node identification and classification after neoadjuvant chemotherapy-a systematic review and meta-analysis.
* Magnetic resonance imaging of ductal carcinoma in situ: what is its clinical application?
* Breast cancer presentation and survival in relation to ethnicity and social deprivation
* Fertility Related Concerns of Women with Breast Cancer
* Management of hot flushes for women with treatment-induced menopause

It will be available at


Annual Evidence Update on Ethnicity / Inequality (NHS Evidence - ethnicity and health)
The Update will feature four exclusive articles based on current evidence. These are:

* Obesity and south Asian children (Dr Monica Lakhanpaul)
* Cancer among BME groups – perspective of the National Cancer Action Team (Paula Lloyd)
* Mental Health (Professor Kamaldeep Bhui)
* Ethnic groups and prescribing – pharmacovigilance and genetic diversity (Professor Larry Goodyear)

You can also visit the collection that week for information on ethnic groups and A/H1N1 “swine flu”. Go to to access the resources.


Annual Evidence Update on System Reform (NHS Evidence - health management)
The key strands of NHS reform presented in this Update will be:
* patient choice
* payment by results
* commissioning
* foundation trusts
* alternative providers (including independent and third sector)
* regulation
You will be able to read the evidence via the following address:

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