Thursday, 10 September 2009

Profiling Stockport Live: understanding communities and inequalities

Profiling Stockport Live is a website containing a wide range of local data about Stockport. There is information relating to health and wellbeing needs and demographic trends, such as educational attainment and housing benefit take-up. This data can often be broken down to within very small geographical areas. (All data is anonymised to protect confidentiality.)

The site also hosts two hubs: the Inequalities Evidence Hub has reports and data about the extent of inequalities in Stockport, and the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Hub identifies trends and priorities for health and social care for 2009-2011.

Access to the website is available to Stockport Council and its partners from the public, private and voluntary sectors. Users are normally members of the Stockport Partnership. Registration is required, and you will need to give your work e-mail address (students need to supply their university e-mail address.) To register, please click on the following address:

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