Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Our Library has FICTION - it's a FACT

29 people enrolled at the Library on Improving Working Lives and borrowed a fiction book, thus entitling them to one of our rather nice GMHeLP bags.

So with your summer holidays coming up, don't forget to come in and take a look at our collection. We also have management books and some IT help books. We're not just medical. We are for all staff and students of both Stockport Trusts. Let your colleagues know that they can join too.

But what is GMHeLP. It stands for Greater Manchester Health Libraries Project and allows you to join any other NHS health library in the Greater Manchester area. Work in Stockport but live in Tameside, you might find it useful to join Tameside Hospital library as well as Stepping Hill. Interested in cancer ... you can join Christie Hospital library. Leaflets and book marks available in the Library.

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