Tuesday, 3 March 2009


Just as you are getting use to the National Library for Health (NLH), it will be changing in line with recommendations in the Darzi report. In the report, High Quality For All, (published June 2008), NICE was asked to establish NHS Evidence.

What is NHS Evidence?
NHS Evidence is a web-based service that will help people find, access and use high-quality clinical and non-clinical evidence and best practice. Built around a powerful search engine, the service will consolidate information from a wide range of sources in one central portal.
blueprint for NHS Evidence, outlining the strategic aims of the service, can be found on the NICE website.

How will it affect NLH?
NHS Evidence will build on existing services currently delivered by the National Library for Health. The existing services, collections and staff of NLH will be transferred into the new service.

When will NHS Evidence be available?
NHS Evidence will launch in April 2009. Additional functionality and content will be added in future versions of NHS Evidence. Initially both sites will run in para

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