Thursday, 14 April 2016

New journal JAMA Cardiology launches soon!

The American Medical Association has launched its latest addition to the JAMA Network with a new journal called JAMA Cardiology.

The first full issue will be published on the 20th April 2016. However, Online First content is already available by clicking here

If you would like to be alerted whenever a new issue is published, library staff can send you an 'etoc' (Electronic Tables of Content) by e-mail. This gives you a list of the articles from the contents page, and information on how to access the articles fulltext. Phone the library on 0161 419 4690 if you would like to be added to the JAMA Cardiology mailing list, or if you would like to receive etocs for any other journals.

To see the latest highlights from JAMA Cardiology, use this link: