If you are a member of medical staff newly transferred to Stepping Hill Hospital, hello and welcome to the Trust!
If you already have an Athens username and password, you will need to change the organisation on the account. This will allow you to access the library resources provided by Stockport NHS Foundation Trust.
Please follow the instructions below:
- Click on the following link: https://openathens.nice.org.uk/Auth/Login
- Login with your e-mail address (or Athens
username) and password
- Click on Change organisation on the left
hand side of the page
- Start typing Stockport in the 'Please enter your organisation' box and select Stockport NHS Foundation Trust from the drop down menu
- Amend your work details
- Click on ‘Change‘
If you can't remember the password for your account, you can contact the library on 0161 419 5809. We'll contact the Athens administrator at your previous trust and ask them to transfer your account over to Stockport.
Alternatively, you can register for a new account from the following website:
https://openathens.nice.org.uk/ The registration needs to be done on a Trust computer. You will then be sent an e-mail with a link. Click on the link to create a password. Your Athens account is ready to use!