Friday, 29 May 2015

Access to the JAMA and the AMA journals

We now have access to the following e-journals from AMA (the American Medical Association) with a one-month embargo.  We are updating our A-Z list but in the meantime you can access these via the NICE Evidence A-Z of journals or through OpenAthens under EBSCOHOST and then MEDLINE Complete.

Here are the journals from AMA:

Thursday, 14 May 2015

AnatomyTV now has a username and password

Unfortunately the Athens login to Anatomy TV is not working in Trusts around the North West at the moment.

We have been given a temporary username and password in the meantime. This is available from the library microsite on the hospital intranet. If you can't access the hospital intranet, please contact library staff to receive the username and password.

To access the site, go the following address: and type in the username and password in the relevant fields. (Don't click on Athens User Login).

Once you have entered the new username and password, click on 'Log in' and this should give you access. (If you can't log in straight away, this may be because we only have a limited number of concurrent licences).

Once you've finished using the resource, please remember to log out so that someone else can use it.