Thursday, 17 April 2014

April 2014

Credit Anthea Sieveking , Wellcome Images Creative Commons Licence

Welcome to our Easter edition of the Library newsletter. We're publishing a little later than usual as a lot of things have been happening in the library over the last month or so, such as our new self-service machine in the library, and a refurbishment of our office. You can read more about it in the posts below.

We've also got a post about using the Wellcome Library as a source of images, and this month's picture is taken from that website.

The library newsletter is sent out four times a year to current members of the library and anyone else who would like to keep up to date with the latest developments in healthcare. We publish posts whenever we have news, so it's worth checking our blog from time to time

Our BIG news ~ we are now self-service

You can now issue, return and renew your own books along with paying any fines!  We have already had some comments on the ease of use.

You must have your blue library card.  
Forgotten or lost it?  Ask a member of staff for help
Step 1 ~ Select what you want to borrow  
Step 2 ~ Take them to the self-service machine on the counter.  Press the screen to select you are borrowing
Step 3 ~ Put your blue library card under the scanner (as shown here), barcode side up. 
Step 4 ~ Place your books on the black pad.  It can read multiple records at once.  Each book title will appear on the screen.
Step 5 ~ Once all items have been scanned, press finish and collect your receipt containing the return 
Don't forget to ask a member of staff to stamp your loyalty book mark!

Step 1 ~ Press the screen to select you are returning
Step 2 ~ Place all items on the black pad. Check all are returned
Step 3 ~ Select to have a receipt and place your items in the box provided
If you have any fines you can pay them now!


Medical Masterclass has a new-look website

The Royal College of Physicians has designed an all-new website for Medical Masterclass with new features and a brand-new bank of mock MRCP (UK) Part 1 and Part 2 written exam questions.

Please note that your previous exam history will be lost as a result of the changeover. However, you will be able to build up a new exam history and see how your score compares with other users.

You can try out the new features here:

If you haven't used the Medical Masterclass website before, please contact the library on 0161 419 4690 for a username and password.

Case-based simulations are also available from any Trust computer - go to the Start menu, click on Trust Applications and then select Medical Masterclass. This will start 'Patient Simulator', which allows you to choose elements of a patient's history and examination. Based upon that information, you can determine a diagnosis, tests or procedures and management of the patient. No username or password required for Patient Simulator.

New charges for interlibrary loans

Unfortunately the British Library has raised its charges for articles and books. We have managed to keep our prices the same for 18 months but we have had to raise our prices for the new financial year.

The cost of requesting an article will now be £9. The cost of borrowing a book for a six-week loan will now be £12.50. If a renewal is required after this time, the charge will be £4.45.

However, the good news is that we are keeping our prices the same for articles and books from NHS libraries around the region. So if the article or book you need is available from a library in the north west, the charge will still be £1.

Clinical audit support available from NICE

Did you know that NICE guidance now comes with audit support such as clinical audit tools?

Let's take a look at the Head Injury clinical guidelines that were issued in January 2014:

On this page on the right hand side, you'll see a menu with the headline 'Implementation tools and resources'. Below this you'll see 'Clinical audit tools'. (Some guidelines will say 'Audit support' instead, or 'Electronic audit tools').

The clinical audit tool comes with audit standards, a spreadsheet for data collection, a clinical audit report for you to complete, along with an action plan.

Not all clinical guidelines come with audit support but many do, so take a look at the NICE website and see whether the NICE guidance you're interested in has this feature.

Library loyalty bookmark

The next time you borrow a book, pick up a special loyalty bookmark. Each time you borrow books, you can get a stamp for your bookmark. When you've collected five stamps, you can dig into the library's sweetie tin for a chocolate. When you've collected 10 stamps, the library staff will make you a cup of coffee or tea! 

Renewing and returning books don't count, and neither do multiple visits on the same day. We have already had a couple of people claim their free chocolate. Let's see who's the first person to get a free drink!

Critical Appraisal Training at Wythenshawe and Stepping Hill

The library at Wythenshawe Hospital is running a session on Critical Appraisal on Monday 28th April from 1pm to 3pm.

The training will take place in the Committee Room, Education and Research Centre.

The training session is free and Stepping Hill Hospital staff are welcome to attend.

Phone the Academy Library at Wythenshawe Hospital on 291 5780 to book a place.

Critical Appraisal training at Stepping Hill is scheduled on the following dates:

Wednesday 11th June 2-4pm

Friday 28th November 9.30 - 11.30 am

These training sessions will take place in Pinewood House and are free.

Please phone the library at Pinewood House on 419 4690 to book on either of these dates.

Guidelines in Practice - app now available

Guidelines in Practice is a resource for healthcare professionals who are interested in implementing national guidelines locally, and practising evidence based medicine.

Healthcare professionals can register online to have access to the guideline summaries and other resources:

There is now also an app available free-of-charge to all healthcare professionals who are registered with the website. To download the app, go to and follow the instructions on the homepage.

'How to read a paper' by Trisha Greenhalgh - new edition

Trisha Greenhalgh has just published a new edition of her excellent book on evidence based medicine. This book covers how to find a research article and critically appraise it.

The library has ordered two copies of this 5th edition so they will be available shortly. In the meantime, we have two hard copies of the 4th edition (published in 2010) and an e-book version.

To see the electronic version of this book, please click on the following link: You'll need to click on
"If you are an Athens user, please click here to access the Athens Authentication Point"
You will then need to log in using your Athens username and password. If you don't have one, you can register online from an NHS computer here:

Please be aware that there is only one licence for this e-book so you need to make sure you log out when you've finished, in order to allow someone else to read it.

Top library borrower this quarter

We are pleased to announce that it is one of our 'American' students who is our top borrower from Christmas to Easter.  This is the bag Melissa Hanton received, looking rather stylish with some of our new books.

Sorry gentlemen, none of you appear in our top 10 again!  

Finding it hard to return your books?

We provide a book box which allows you to return books out of library hours
Where will I find it?
It is situated by the menu board just before the staff restaurant, Stepping Hill and is now easily accessed at any time of day or night
How often is it emptied?
We empty it every working day morning and reduce any fines by 5p per item as they may have been delivered the day before.
Has the book box moved?
Yes indeed it has.  It use to be in the Internet Cafe but that has closed
Can community staff use it?
Absolutely.  We provide this service particularly for community and night staff
Does the box like the one in the picture?
It is the same make but is dark blue in colour with light writing

New books ~ Christmas to Easter

We have received 189 books since our last newsletter.  As you can imagine, we don't want to include them all so here is a brief selection showing the depth and breadth of what has been bought.  

Come across a really useful book recently?  Do email us with your suggestion provided it has been published recently.  This book was suggested by one of our users.

Law and professional issues in nursing
Griffith, Richard
344.0414 GRI
Patient-centered medicine : transforming the clinical method
Stewart, Moira
610.696 STE
Essential knowledge and skills for healthcare assistants
Rawles, Zoe
610.73 RAW
Coaching skills : a handbook
Rogers, Jenny
610.730711 ROG
Succeeding in your medical school OSCEs : an essential guide for medical students including 150 practice scenarios
Dhamija, Bhoresh
610.76 DHA
Wheater's functional histology : a text and colour atlas.
Young, Barbara
611.018 YOU
Handbook of contraception and sexual health
Everett, Suzanne
613.94 EVE
Fundamentals of hand therapy : clinical reasoning and treatment guidelines for common diagnoses of the upper extremity
Cooper, Cynthia
615.81 COO
Emergency triage : Manchester triage group
Advanced Life Support Group
616.025 MAC
150 ECG problems
Hampton, John R
616.1207547 HAM
Principles of pulmonary medicine
Weinberger, Steven E
616.2 WEI
Problem solving in acute oncology
Marshall, Ernie
616.994 MAR
Smith and Aitkenhead's textbook of anaesthesia
Aitkenhead, Alan R
617.96 AIT
Contraception : a casebook from menarche to menopause
Briggs, Paula
618.18 BRI
Churchill's angels
Jackson, Ruby
And still the music plays : stories from people with dementia
Stokes, Graham
SH 616.831 STO