Friday, 20 December 2013

December 2013

This year the librarians at Stepping Hill have embraced the Christmas spirit to the full!

The library newsletter is sent out four times a year to current members of the library and anyone else who would like to keep up to date with the latest developments in healthcare.

We publish posts whenever we have news, so it's worth checking our blog from time to time

Christmas and New Year opening times

Here are the library's opening times over the festive period:

Tues 24th Dec 8am – 2pm
(closed early to stocktake)

Wed 25th Dec CLOSED

Thurs 26th Dec CLOSED

Fri 27th Dec 8am – 4.30pm

Mon 30th Dec 8am – 5.30pm

Tues 31st Dec 8am – 5.30pm  

Wed 1st Jan 2014 CLOSED      

All other dates are as normal: Mon – Thurs 8 – 5.30, Fri 8 – 4.30  

You can renew your books by phoning 0161 419 4690, or by e-mailing  

Have a happy holiday, and we look forward to seeing you in the coming year!      

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Top library borrower for 2013 ... and beyond

We are very proud to announce that Elizabeth Gunter, Trainee Advanced Nurse Practitioner, is our best borrower. What a star! The top 10 was an all-female list so come on gentlemen show us your library cards!

Elizabeth received a hessian library bag for her efforts.  This will be a quarterly event to coincide with us sending you an email reminder about the blog.

We are also producing a loyalty bookmark for the library in the New Year which will be rewarded with a hot drink and a biscuit on completion of the bookmark.  A user will have to borrow a book / books and their bookmark will be stamped.  Renewals and returns do not count, neither do multiple visits on the same day!  The next time they borrow a book / books then they will get their next stamp.  When 10 stamps have been collected the library staff will give the recipient a drink and biscuit.

Online access to journals for University of Manchester graduates available!

If you graduated from the University of Manchester, you may already know that you can borrow up to 15 books, request journal articles and also access some electronic journals and databases by visiting the main library in person.

At the moment, the University of Manchester library is piloting a new scheme which gives alumni remote access to JSTOR journals. The pilot will run until the end of July 2014 and is available to use now. Alumni can access JSTOR through the Alumni Portal Service: Your Manchester Online. Enquiries should be directed to the Alumni Office on 0161 306 3066 or

Further information about access for alumni can be found on the University of Manchester Library website:

***NB: If you aren't a University of Manchester graduate, but you are an NHS employee, or Public Health member of staff, you can still join their library.***
Access is for one year and you can borrow up to four books at a time. You would have walk-in user access to a small selection of e-resources if you go to the main library in person. The list of resources available is here: 
The membership form can be downloaded from the following webpage:

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

All change for journals

In the autumn, 173 people gave their views on what journals we should take.  A small group volunteered to help make a final decision.  Unfortunately, like all other departments we had to make savings.  There are some winners and some losers.  Those journals we no longer can access had lower usage than other journals.  I have contacted people in the relevant departments.

Farewells / Welcomes
We are losing online access to some titles locally.  However, with our community funds and savings elsewhere, we are re-subscribing to the Wiley collection with many titles that will help community staff along with some excellent titles for hospital based staff.  Here we have attempted to match loses with gains

- Age and Ageing                               + Journal of American Geriatrics Society
- Annals of Emergency Medicine         + Academic Emergency Medicine
- British Journal of Anaesthesia          + Anaesthesia
- Cancer Nursing
- Current Opinion in Rheumatology     + Arthritis & Rheumatology
Journal of Rheumatology 
- Journal of Laryngology and Otology   + Clinical Otolaryngology
- Journal of the American College of Cardiology
- Manual Therapy

Some useful titles include
+ Addiction
+ Birth
+ British Journal of Surgery
+ Child Development
+ Health and Social Care in the Community
+ Journal of Advanced Nursing
+ Journal of Clinical Nursing
+ Journal of Nursing Management
+ Obesity Reviews

Free trial to all Royal Society of Medicine journals in January

The library has organised a free trial of journals published by the Royal Society of Medicine. This is a collection of 28 journals, including the following:

A full list of titles and their web addresses is available here:

You can access the latest issues fulltext with your Athens username and password. Click on Sign in at the top of the journal's homepage, and then click on Sign in via OpenAthens.

(Please contact the library if you don`t have an Athens account).

The trial will run until the end of January 2014 so make use of the offer while you can!

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Useful health management information update

Tameside Hospital Library Service produce a useful monthly health management information update.  Do take a look by clicking on this link.  If you like it, add to your favourites

The TRIP database is now on Twitter

The Trip database is experimenting with two new Twitter accounts - one for primary care and one for cancer. The latest evidence in these two areas is being tweeted when it becomes available.

If you are on Twitter, you can follow @TripPrimaryCare or @TripCancer so that you are notified when new evidence has been published. If you don't have a Twitter account, you can still see the Twitter pages by clicking on this link for primary care: or this link for cancer:

If you haven't tried the Trip database yet, it's a user-friendly clinical search engine containing research evidence, videos, patient information leaflets and news. You can access it here:


Tips for accessing the fulltext of articles

So you've registered for an Athens account, you know your username and you've created your password, but you still can't log in... :-( Sometimes it can be tricky accessing the fulltext of journals because of the way individual websites are set up.

One thing we would recommend is to always check our journals A-Z list because that will tell you if we have Athens access and which years are included in our subscription.

We have compiled a list of journal providers and how to access them via Athens - click here . The list is also available from the Documents section of the Library Microsite on the Trust's intranet.

Here are a couple of tips: When you see the journal on the list, hover your mouse over the title (before you click on it) and you'll see the name of the journal provider at the bottom of the screen.

If the journal is provided by ProQuest, you may be taken to a new page where you are asked to choose your organisation. At this point you need to find NHS England from the drop-down menu. This will allow you to log in with your Athens account.

If you hover over an address and see tinyurl, that means the journal is provided by Wiley. All the Wiley journals should be set up so that they re-direct you to an Athens login page. However, if you aren't taken to an Athens page, then click on 'Institutional login' and type Stepping Hill Hospital (Athens).

If you're still having problems, please don't hesitate to phone us on 0161 419 4690 or e-mail us at, because we can often let you know what the problem is quite quickly, saving you time in the long run!

Monday, 16 December 2013

New Titles for December

New books
Dec 2013
100 cases in clinical medicine
Rees, John -
610.76 REE

The dementia guide : living well after diagnosis
Alzheimer's Society -
616.831 ALZ

Working together to safeguard children : a guide to
inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the
welfare of children March 2013
Department for
Education -
362.76 DEP

Diabetes and wellbeing : managing the psychological
and emotional challenges of diabetes types 1 and 2
Nash, Jen -
SH 616.462 NAS

Haynes brain manual

Banks, Ian -

SH 616.89142 BAN


Dynamed accredited by the Royal College of General Practitioners for online learning

Our continued subscription to DynaMed is good news for those members on the GP training scheme at Stockport NHS Foundation Trust.

DynaMed is now accredited by the Royal College of General Practitioners as a provider of online learning modules. Online learning modules from DynaMed cover a broad range of primary and secondary medical specialties and meet the specific and rigorous requirements for RCGP Accreditation.

Complete the checklist provided through the ‘Get CME’ link to record your online learning of a topic, then file the form away in your revalidation portfolio.