Monday, 4 November 2013

A title not to be sniffed at!

New to the Library

The essential clinical handbook for ENT surgery :  the ultimate companion for ear, nose and throat surgery (2013)
Bunni, John                         617.51 BUN

Adipose-derived stem cells : methods and protocols (2011)
Gimble, Jeffrey M                 574.8 GIM

Friday, 1 November 2013

Are you using UpToDate fully?

UpToDate includes more than 135 interactive medical calculators that allow you to enter the values in commonly used formulas to obtain numerical data.  

To access UpToDate in the community, you will need an OpenAthens (Athens) username & password.  The link can be found on our Links page of the Library Internet Site. [remember it is

To access UpToDate in the hospital you need no password.  Find us on the front page of the library microsite or before you logon to the Intranet under My Applications.

Once you are on UpToDate you can either put calculator in as a search term or go to your topic and see if there is a calculator associated with it [scroll down the left hand window]