Friday, 23 August 2013

Do you have ......?

Photograph HarpOnMe
We like to say "yes"  when you ask us if we have a particular resource.  Unfortunately we often have to say "no" because it is very hard getting the right balance of resources for everyone in the Trust, including non-clinical staff, within our budget. 

To help us reach a better balance, we are running a short 'desert island' survey where you can tell us what your favourite resources are.  Six simple questions for non-clinical and clinical staff.  Clinical staff have an extra question about ranking 3 specific resources.  If you are unfamiliar with ClinicalKey , Dynamed and UpToDate, it is worthwhile taking a look before completing the survey.

Finally, we are looking for 5-6 people to form an advisory group on purchasing resources, so if you'd like to help, fill in the final part of the survey.

Click here for the survey
complete by Monday 30th September ...
The survey is now closed
Updated 18/10/13

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Books and Breakfast ~ Our New Opening Times

New Opening Times

8 - 5.30 Monday - Thursday
8 - 4.30 Friday
Closed weekends and Bank Holidays

This is in response to the Autumn 2012 survey, which asked for longer opening times.

It will help
  ** those coming off night shift
  ** those who are waiting for a course to begin in Pinewood House
  ** those who are just early for work

To celebrate this we had a Books and Breakfast event on September 11th.

We had a great morning  with drinks and pastries available along with keen librarians telling visitors about our services and resources.  Approximately 40 people attended.

BMJ Case Reports

We are sorry to anounce that we no longer subscribe to BMJ Case Reports.  Usage had been lower than was expected and it was not economically viable for us to continue our subscription.

Individuals wishing to publish will have to subscribe.  Full information is available from here

NEW acroynm app

NHS Conferation have a NHS acronym buster which is available as a free app for your iphone and ipad, giving you definitions of over 500 commonly used acronyms in the NHS at your fingertips. Click here to read more about it and find a link to the app.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

August - focus on new self-health books

This month we had a number of books added to the Self-Health collection here in Pinewood House.  These may help you with a condition or situation but they are also for you to recommend to patients if you think they would benefit from them.  They are aimed at the lay person.  Some of our children's books were so usefu to our community children's team that they bought copies to use.  So come in and take a look

Remember - ALL staff and students on placement can join the library.  Just bring along your ID badge.

101 handy hints for a happy hysterectomy (2006) 
Parkinson-Hardman, Linda   SH 618.145 PAR

Changing for good (2006) 
Prochaska, James O.   SH 158.1 PRO

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (2009) 
Currie, Graeme P.    SH 616.2 CUR

Epilepsy in women (2009) 
Betts, Tim    SH 616.853 BET

Epilepsy (2008)
Appleton, Richard   SH 616.853 APP

How to accept yourself (1999)
Dryden, Windy   SH 158.1 DRY

Lung cancer (2010)
Falk, Stephen    SH 616.9942 FAL

Manage your mood : how to use behavioral activation techniques to overcome depression (2007)
Veale, David     SH 616.8527 VEA

My stroke of insight (2009)
Taylor, Jill Bolte    SH 616.81 TAY

Osteoporosis (2009)
Black, Alison J.    SH 616.716 BLA

Overcoming chronic pain : a self-help guide using cognitive behavioral techniques (2005)
Cole, Frances    SH 616.0472 COL

The pill. (2009)
Guillebaud, John    SH 613.94 GUI

Self-management of long-term health conditions : a handbook for people with chronic disease (2007)Expert Patients Programme Community Interest Company    SH 616.044 EXP

The stroke and aphasia handbook (2004)
Parr, Susie     SH 616.81 PAR

Super confidence : simple steps to build self-assurance (2002)
Lindenfield, Gael    SH 158.1 LIN

You'll get over it : the rage of bereavement (1997)
Ironside, Virginia      SH 155.937 IRO

If you have books you find useful for patients please let us know about them.  Email