Friday, 31 May 2013

accessing Wiley journals

Wiley, one of our journal providers, is currently unable to allow users to login with their Athens accounts. They are working to resolve this issue. We hope to update the Journals A-Z list as soon as we can with the correct links.

In the meantime, here is an alternative link that should help you access Wiley journals published until December 2012, which is when our subscription ended. Please follow the instructions below:

  • Click on the following link:

  • Log in with your Athens username and password. This will take you to the Wiley homepage.

  • Click on the button next to 'Publication Titles' and search for your journal by the exact title.

  • The results page will show the name of the journal - click on the name and you will be taken to that journal's website, where you should have fulltext access to many of the backfiles. Remember that you won't have fulltext access to issues published in 2013 (although Wiley often makes the first issue of the year a free issue).