Friday, 21 December 2012

December 2012

This issue of our newsletter features Mary's photo of a chilly bird in the Alps.

The library staff would like to wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year, and we look forward to working with you in 2013!

Tuesday, 18 December 2012


Yes, we do have some.
The resources that we will be keeping

A number of top journals (just a few listed here)
CORR, Stroke, Journal of Advanced NursingJBJS
Manual Therapy
, Cancer Nursing, Circulation

We have extended access to UpToDate via Athens which means for the first time you can access it from outside the Trust

Dynamed can be added to your mobile phone.  Follow this link for instructions and contact the library for a special code on

BNF goes mobile too

....and finally some very exciting news.  In January we will be interviewing for a new librarian to help support those people working in the community.  We will be introducing you to our new team member in our next newsletter in March.

and the bad news

Like all parts of the organisation, we have to make our contribution to financial savings. 

In the autumn of 2011 we asked the following question in an online survey:- UpToDate or journals? 94 people responded to this question with 79% (74 individuals) preferring to purchase UpToDate. For those unfamiliar with UpToDate, it is an evidence-based resource aimed to help clinicians with point of care decisions.

Purchasing for 2013
To meet our financial target for 2013 meant that a large resource would need to be cut and there were only two such resources that would give the required level of saving. These were UpToDate and the Wiley collection of journals.
Based on the survey results, I decided to cut the Wiley collection. This would allow us to
maintain the other journals and resources that we purchase.

Purchasing for 2014
I wish to review all our journals, evidence-based resources and other online resources for
2014 so that we can rebalance our resources for the new structure. Once again we will be
asking people’s views on this with a simple questionnaire. We need to know what the
absolute information essentials are for people to carry out their work safely and effectively.

I will be looking for volunteers from across the Trust to help with making the final decisions.   Postscript:  I am very sorry to lose this valuable collection which we have bought since 2006.  I tried very hard to negotiate a reduced fee but was unable to do so.  By the end of the first week in January, the journal A-Z should reflect this as will our etocs.  As a personal reflection, it would seem that our loyalty to the collection seemed to count for very little.

Christmas Opening Times

Christmas Opening Times

Monday 24th 9am - 1pm
CLOSED 25th & 26th
Thursday 27th 10am – 4pm
Friday 28th 10am – 4pm

Monday 31st 10am – 4pm
CLOSED 1st Jan 2013
Wednesday 2nd Jan - open as usual
(see our website for details)

If you would like to return your books when the library is closed, we have a book return box located in the Internet Cafe, next to the restaurant in the main building of the hospital. The Internet Cafe has keypad entry, so phone the library in advance if you need the code.

Training Dates

Bite Sized Option: Literature Searching
AIM: To introduce the clinical databases and learn how to conduct a quick but effective search.
24 January 2013 Thursday 9.30-11am
07 March 2013 Thursday 2.30-4pm

Bite Sized Option: Accessing Full Text Articles
AIM: To be able to access the full text of a journal article from a known reference
15 January 2013 Tuesday 9.30-10.30am
18 March 2013 Monday 12-1pm

IN DEPTH Literature Searching
AIM: To provide a comprehensive overview of the NHS clinical databases and to
be able to search these effectively using advanced techniques.
12 February 2013 Tuesday 1.30-4.30pm
13 March 2013 Wednesday 9.30am-12.30pm

The Best Evidence Based Resources
AIM: To understand the purpose and explore the use of prime sources of evidence
based information
27 February 2013 Wednesday 9.30am-12.30pm

Using PubMed Effectively
AIM: To provide an introduction to using PubMed for finding journal articles,
including the full text of articles where available
06 February 2013 Wednesday 1.30-4pm

All courses are free.  Further dates available for 2013-14. or phone 0161 419 5809

Thank you

361 people completed our survey about Library Services.  With that amount of data we are a litttle slow in analysing but the results will be available in our next quarterly newsletter along with any actions as a result of the survey.

We very much appreciate all those people who took the time to participate in the survey