Like all parts of the organisation, we have to make our contribution to financial savings.
In the autumn of 2011 we asked the following question in an online survey:- UpToDate or journals? 94 people responded to this question with 79% (74 individuals) preferring to purchase UpToDate. For those unfamiliar with UpToDate, it is an evidence-based resource aimed to help clinicians with point of care decisions.
Purchasing for 2013
To meet our financial target for 2013 meant that a large resource would need to be cut and there were only two such resources that would give the required level of saving. These were UpToDate and the Wiley collection of journals.
Based on the survey results, I decided to cut the Wiley collection. This would allow us to
maintain the other journals and resources that we purchase.
Purchasing for 2014
I wish to review all our journals, evidence-based resources and other online resources for
2014 so that we can rebalance our resources for the new structure. Once again we will be
asking people’s views on this with a simple questionnaire. We need to know what the
absolute information essentials are for people to carry out their work safely and effectively.
I will be looking for volunteers from across the Trust to help with making the final decisions.
Postscript: I am very sorry to lose this valuable collection which we have bought since 2006. I tried very hard to negotiate a reduced fee but was unable to do so. By the end of the first week in January, the
journal A-Z should reflect this as will our
etocs. As a personal reflection, it would seem that our loyalty to the collection seemed to count for very little.