Tuesday, 27 March 2012

MARCH 2012

Spring is in the air - and in the brickwork!

The library newsletter is sent out four times a year to current members of the library and anyone else who would like to keep up to date with the latest developments in healthcare.

New Self-Health collection in the library

The library has been given some external funding for a new 'Self-Health' collection. We have purchased books and DVDs on a variety of topics around health and well-being, which should be of interest to both clinical and non-clinical members of staff. We also hope that healthcare professionals will recommend some of these titles to their patients. We are always looking for suggestions from staff, so if you know of a good book which will help someone to improve their health and well-being, please let us know.

Here are just a few of the resources we have purchased so far:

We also have a selection of DVDs, such as a zumba fitness exercise kit, Rosemary Conley's Fitness Triple Pack DVD and Davina's Ultimate Target DVD. All are available for loan from the library at Stepping Hill.

Remember that all titles in the Self-Health collection can be found in the public libraries in Stockport. You can check if your local library has a particular title or topic here: http://prism.talis.com/stockport/home

23rd - 27th April is Self-Health Week and library staff will be displaying items from the new Self-Health collection, giving away freebies and organising a quiz with prizes.

New journal collection - Emerald

This is a collection of full text management and health and social care journals, particularly of interest for those working in the community. To see the full list of titles go to http://first.emeraldinsight.com/index.htm , select login and then Athens login. Choose Your Subscriptions to see the list of titles. You can click through to the contect from here

Contact the library if you wish to be sent electronic tables of content for any of the titles. They will shortly be appearing in our A-Z too. For those of you who would like a quick look at some examples here are some of the titles.

** Clinical Governance ** Human Resource Management
** Leadership in health services
** Quality in ageing and older adults
** Journal of children services ** Health Education (aimed at school nurses)

Monday, 26 March 2012

Images for practice

We have access to a number of images which have copyright permission. If you want to use them externally, please consult with the library manager.

Smart Imagebase for teaching and learning purposes, internal seminars, patient education, research presentations and our own intranet (but not internet) and other non-commercial projects. It contains high quality medical illustrations, animations, and interactive multimedia. Please explore using Athens.

UpToDate graphics - available from the Intranet. These can easily be downloaded to PowerPoint and can be used as above

NHS Photo Library. You will need to register with an NHS email address and the photos can be used for NHS purposes as part of Crown copyright.

Wonderful Orthopaedic Resources

Working with the Trauma and Orthopaedic Department has resulted in a collection of new and enhanced resources. Most of these require Athens authentication. Don't have Athens - self register here.

New Journals
American Journal of Sports Medicine
Clincal Orthopaedics and Related Research
The Knee

Online Books
Click here for access to:
**Operative Techniques in Foot and Ankle Surgery
**Rockwood and Wilkins Fractures in Children
**Rockwood And Green's Fractures In Adults

Other excellent online resources
Anatomy TV with extend topics covering Sports injuries and therapy; arthroplasty; otolaryngology and a number of none orthopaedic topics such as urology and speech language pathology. You are advised to take the tutorial offered by the software in order to get the most out of this resource
Orthoteers - we will shortly be getting licences for this resource. the library will have some to loan out. Please ask about this resource

Training Sessions

Still free to all Stockport Foundation Trust and NHS Stockport NHS staff and students! A course such as our In Depth Literature searching could cost you in the region of £100 if you were to take it from a commercial organisation.

They are local in Room F05 in Pinewood House, Stepping Hill.
They are interactive and limited to 11 participants
You just need to phone 0161 419 4690 to book a place.

April 2012
Thursday 05 April 1 - 3pm - Bite Sized Option: Patient information leaflets - where do I start
Friday 13 April 12-1pm - Bite Sized Option: Accessing Full Text Articles
Wednesday 18 April 9.30-11am - Bite Sized Option Literature Searching
Monday 23 April 1.30-4.30pm - IN DEPTH Literature Searching

May 2012
Thursday 03 May 1.30-4pm -
Using PubMed Effectively
Tuesday 08 May 1.30-4pm - The Best Evidence Based Resources
Wednesday 23 May 9am-12pm - IN DEPTH Literature Searching

June 2012
Friday 08 June 9.30-11.30am -
Bite Sized Option: Patient information leaflets - where do I start
Wednesday 13 June 2 -4 pm -
Introduction to Critical Appraisal
Tuesday 19 June 1.30-4.30pm -
IN DEPTH Literature Searching
Monday 25 June 3.30-5.00pm -
Bite Sized Option Literature Searching

July 2012
Tuesday 03 July 9.30am-12pm - Using PubMed Effectively
Thursday 05 July 9.30-10.30am -
Bite Sized Option: Accessing Full Text Articles
Thursday 12 July 9am-12pm -
The Best Evidence Based Resources
Thursday 19 July 9.30am-12.30 -
IN DEPTH Literature Searching

A full list of dates till the end of December with some description of the courses is available here