Thursday, 22 December 2011


Thanks to James for this great view of the Manchester Christmas markets! The photo was taken from the top of the Town Hall's clock tower.

The library newsletter is sent out four times a year to current members of the library and anyone else who would like to keep up to date with the latest developments in healthcare.

Library opening times over Christmas and the New Year

The library team will be taking a break shortly, but we'll be back soon! Here are the times that the library will be open over the festive period:

Fri 23rd Dec 9am - 4.30pm
Mon 26th Dec CLOSED
Tues 27th Dec CLOSED
Wed 28th Dec 9.30am - 4.30pm
Thurs 29th Dec 9.30am - 4.30pm
Fri 30th Dec 9.30am - 4.30pm
Mon 2nd Jan CLOSED
Tues 3rd Jan 9am - 5.30pm
Usual opening hours from then on...

If you would like to return your books when we are closed, there is a book return box in the main building - ask library staff for details. If you would like to renew your books, you can do so online from within the hospital or you can send us an e-mail or phone and leave us a message. We'll contact you with the new date your books are due back.

Best wishes for a happy holiday to you all from the library team!

E-books - good news

MyiLibrary access has been secured for another year. Some people might have heard that it was under threat but a regional deal gives us continue access - so that is good news!

Do take some time to explore this resource and see if there is anything that meets your needs. On our external link page it is called Electronic books

Another e-book option is the provision of all the Oxford Handbooks.

All e-books can be accessed outside the Trust, 24/7 with an Athens username and password. The links can be found at this address:

Some changes to journals

We have managed to keep most of our journal collection stable this year which is always good news. The following are the major changes:
** Journal of laryngology and otology (JLO to those of us in the know) will be online only
** Current opinion in rheumatology will be online only
** Lancet will be available online (still waiting a link and instructions on how it will be accessed). The physical journal will still be available

**JAMA will no longer be available electronically but we will resume taking it physically (this was a national purchase but it is too expensive electronically for us to continue to take in that format)

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Free training sessions

Have you decided on a New Year's resolution yet? How about learning how to do a thorough literature search, to make sure you've found the latest evidence to inform your practice? Or what about learning how to use PubMed or the Cochrane Library more efficiently, to save yourself time and effort? The library can help!!! We offer regular training sessions at no charge - just phone us on 419 4690 to book your place. See below for the courses running from January to March. The sessions from April onwards will be published soon.

Wed 04 Jan 1 - 2pm Internet for Beginners

Thurs 12 Jan 1 - 2pm Bite-sized literature searching

Tues 17 Jan 12 - 1pm Accessing full text articles

Wed 25 Jan 9.30am – 12.30pm The best evidence-based resources

Wed 01 Feb 1.30 - 4pm Using PubMed effectively

Tues 14 Feb 1.30 – 4.30pm Indepth literature searching

Mon 20 Feb 2 - 3pm Bite-sized literature searching

Thurs 01 Mar 1.30 – 4.30pm The best evidence-based resources

Thurs 08 Mar 3 - 4pm Bite-sized literature searching

Fri 16 Mar 9 - 10am Accessing full text articles

Tues 20 Mar 9.30am - 12.30pm Indepth literature searching

Mon 26 Mar 4 - 5pm Internet for beginners

Dr Foster Hospital Information

The Dr Foster Hospital Guide for 2011 has been published recently, focusing on the death rates and performance of all hospitals across England. Stepping Hill's overall Hospital Standardised Mortality Rate (HSMR) is within the expected range. It comes shortly after the new Summary Hospital-level Mortality Indicators (SHMI), which were published in October, and listed us third best hospital in the North of England for our mortality rates.

Dr Foster provides useful information for all users of health services in the UK. Dr Foster's online tools and consumer guides enable both health and social care users and providers to make better informed decisions.

Pubget - a search engine for science articles

Pubget is a search engine for articles in the life sciences. It was launched in 2008 with the aim of making the process of finding, managing and analysing scientific papers easier. New papers are added to Pubget on a daily basis. There is an advanced search option, or you can browse by topic, using the pubget medical subject headings. If you have links to a university, you can save your institution under 'Settings' and access full text articles where your university has a subscription to them. The website has recently been upgraded so try a search here:

New journal coming soon - Bone & Joint Research

Bone & Joint Research (BJR) is a new orthopaedic research journal from the publishers of the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. The journal, launched in October this year, will offer free access to research in the musculoskeletal sciences, covering topics such as bioengineering, regenerative medicine, cancer genetics, proteomics and clinical trials. Submissions are now open for papers, and the first articles should be published soon. Videos and podcasts will also be available.
Go to the website for more details:

New journals available to you!

*** The following titles will shortly be added to our online journal collection: (thanks to the Orthopaedic department)

American journal of sports medicine

Clinical orthopaedics and related research
Both are accessible using Athens

The journal Health Economics Review has recently been launched and all its content is freely available online. It's a peer-reviewed, international journal covering all aspects of health economics, such as health care financing and health policy analysis. You can view the first articles of this new journal here:

We recently had a trial of a journal collection called Medline with full text, which has now been purchased regionally. Some example titles include Pediatric endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism, Injury and Alcohol research and health.

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Journal survey

Thank you to the 97 people who took time to respond to the survey. It was a disappointingly low response but we have used the information to help inform our choice of journals for 2012 along with usage of the journals for 2011.

To recap: this survey asked for your choice of up to 4 journals you would consider essential to practice. It also asked if we had to make a decision between purchasing UpToDate or more journals what would you choose?

Journal purchase: Because of the low number we counted all 4 choices. The top ten journals requested were Lancet, NEJM, BMJ, Nursing standard, Journal advanced nursing, JAMA, Nursing times, American journal of surgical pathology, Anaesthesia, Anesthesia & Analgesia. Apart from JAMA we have access to all of these titles for 2012. We are unable to afford electronic access to JAMA so have bought the physical journal once again.

UpToDate or more journals? 94 people responded to this question with 79% (74 individuals) prefering to purchase UpToDate. Although this is not available directly to community staff, still more people in the community chose UpToDate compared to more journals. Anyone in the community can request topics which can be emailed to them. We have now purchased UpToDate for 2012.

Journals lost: We no longer subscribe to the European Journal of Palliative Care (lack of use). There may be changes to those we buy as bundles so always check out our A-Z of journals (report any links that do not work to us)