Wednesday, 1 December 2010


"The feet are slow when the head wears snow.” [Russian proverb]

Christmas & New Year Opening Times

Friday 24th Dec 9am - 1pm
Monday 27th Dec CLOSED
Tuesday 28th Dec CLOSED
Wednesday 29th Dec 10am - 4pm
Thursday 30th Dec 10am - 4pm
Friday 31st Dec 10am - 4pm

Monday 3rd Jan CLOSED
From Tuesday 4th January 2011 we will be opened as usual

Changes to the Newsletter

Our mailing list has become out of date. We, therefore, are making this the last posting to be sent to our old list and the first one sent to our new list. So "Good-bye" and "Welcome"

We will no longer be sending out a monthly letter but will do so quarterly, with postings in between when an important update to the library service is made e.g. a new resource, a change in a service.
d Spring - March
d Summer - June
d Autumn - September
d Winter - December

Changes to Journals

With a journal budget no larger than last year but with prices increasing, the cuts have effectively arrived. The usage of the electronic journals has been reviewed and those journals showing the least usage have been cut. This is the fairest way but it does mean individually purchased journals are more vulnerable.

For 2011, we will no longer have a subscription to the following journals:
i American Journal of Ophthalmology
i Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons (includes Bulletin)
i British Journal of General Practice
i Journal of Bone and Mineral Research
i Laryngoscope
i Miders Midwifery Digest
i Technic

We are cancelling the physical copy of i BMJ i but you still have online access with Athens

We are exchanging
i Physiotherapy for i Manual Therapy

We will have 2 new titles to our A-Z both paid for by non-library budgets.
i Blood Reviews
i International Journal of Clinical Skills

A number of groups have requested new journals but we are currently unable to meet these requests. They have been added to a list along with the cancelled titles to review at the end of the financial year should there be any budget remaining.

We are still in negotiation over the Wiley collection. If the price is too high then cuts will have to be made to these titles too.
REMEMBER: You still have access to many journals via this link You will need an NHS Athens to access many of the titles - Contact the library on 419 5089 if you need help with this.

6 Book Challenge

** Haven't read a fiction book in years?
** Never liked reading?
** Find it difficult to give yourself some 'me' time with a book?

Why don't you take the 6 book Challenge to read 6 books before the end of June 2011? Start by signing up at your library in Pinewood House.

All staff can join - just bring along your staff ID badge. We have a compact but interesting selection of fiction and autobiography to suit most tastes.

The Reading Agency's scheme is aimed at those wishing to return to reading for pleasure or those less confident adult readers. Last year it attracted 13,500 people through libraries, adult education, colleges, prisons and workplaces. Participants are invited to read six books and record their reading in a diary in order to receive incentives and ultimately a certificate and a chance to enter a national prize draw. The Six Book Challenge has already been used to good effect by the NHS Trust Library at Royal Bolton.

Visit the Library on the 1st floor of Pinewood House, open between 9 - 5.30 (Mon - Thurs) and Fri 9 - 4.30. ALL staff welcome.

TILT (Today I learnt that..)

The TRIP database has created a free learning tool called TILT - 'Today I learnt that...'
This is an innovative project which allows you to browse medical subjects, and see what topics other clinicians have found useful and interesting. You can also add your own posts to record your personal learning and reflections. Users can build up a portfolio of education which may be suitable for use in appraisals. Since it is a brand-new resource, there has been little feedback so far, but hopefully it will develop into a useful repository of clinical learning. Why not try it and let us know what you think? You can access it here:

Training dates for your New Year Resolutions

Please see below for the training sessions we're offering in January (and February, in case you're really organised!) All our sessions are free - you just need to ring us on 0161 419 4690 to book your place.

Bite Sized Option: Internet for Beginners
05 January Wednesday 1 - 2pm

Bite Sized Option: ATHENS It’s all Greek to me!
10 January Monday 4 - 5pm
18 February Friday 1 - 2pm

Bite Sized Option: Literature Searching
13 January Thursday 1 - 2pm
21 February Monday 2 - 3pm

Bite Sized Option: Accessing Full Text Articles
18 January Tuesday 4 - 5pm

The Best Evidence Based Resources
20 January Thursday 9.30am - 12pm

In Depth Literature Searching
25 January Tuesday 1.30 - 4.30pm
24 February Thursday 1.30 - 4.30pm

Using PubMed Effectively
02 February Wednesday 1.30 - 4pm

Bite Sized Option: Electronic Books
09 February Wednesday 4 - 5pm