Friday, 30 July 2010

New England Journal of Medicine - changes to online access

The New England Journal of Medicine is in the process of launching its new website, and the sign-in procedure has changed.

Details of the new username and password are available on the hospital intranet, in the news section of the library microsite. The address for the website will continue to be:

Downtime for Wiley journals

Next weekend sees the launch of Wiley Online Library, which will replace Wiley Interscience, one of the library`s journal providers. The Wiley website will be unavailable from 9am on Saturday 7th August until 5pm on Sunday 8th August. As a result, it will not be possible to access Wiley journals online during this period. The relaunch may also have implications for the Cochrane Library. We hope that the transition will be seamless, but please bear with us if there are any problems during the week beginning the 9th August.

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Health White Paper

This link collates a selection of documentation, analysis, press coverage and opinion on the recently released White Paper: Equity and excellence: liberating the NHS.
The information can also be accessed from the following address:

Monday, 26 July 2010

Finding information - training for the new academic year

Starting a course? Continuing a course but struggling with your literature searches?

Then help is on hand with our FREE information literacy courses - there is something for everybody

Bite Sized Option: Literature Searching
To introduce the clinical databases and learn how to conduct a quick but effective search to find journal articles
Thurs 23rd September 2010 9.00am – 10.00am
Wed 27th October 2010 4.00pm – 5.00pm
Tues 30th November 2010 12.00pm – 1.00pm
Fri 17th December 2010 9.00am – 10.00am

In Depth: Literature Searching
To provide a comprehensive overview of the NHS clinical databases and to be able to search these effectively using advanced techniques to find journal articles many with full text links
Fri 24th September 2010 9.00am – 12.00
Mon 18th Oct 2010 1.30pm – 4.30pm
Fri 5th November 2010 9.00am – 12.00pm

Using PubMed Effectively
To provide an introduction to using PubMed for finding journal articles including full text articles where available
Mon 27th September 2010 9.30am – 12.00pm
Fri 10th December 2010 9.30am – 12.00pm

Bite Sized Option: Accessing Full Text Articles
To be able to access the full text of a journal article from a known reference
Mon 13th September 2010 3.00pm - 4.00pm
Tues12th October 2010 4.00pm - 5.00pm
Wed 10th November 2010 1.00pm - 2.00pm

Bite Sized Option: ATHENS – It’s all Greek to me!
To provide an overview of the Athens authentication system and electronic resources via NHS Evidence (National Library for Health) What resources are available and how to access them
Tues 5th October 2010 9.00am - 10.00am
Mon 6th December 2010 4.00pm - 5.00pm

Bite Sized Option: Internet for Beginners
To gain awareness of the range of Internet sites which contain quality health information and to feel confident navigating these sites.
Tues 7th September 2010 12.00pm - 1.00pm
Fri 26th November 2010 9.00am - 10.00am

The best evidence based resources
To understand the purpose and explore the use of prime sources of evidence based information such as the Cochrane Library, UpToDate and Dynamed
Fri 3rd September 2010 9.00am – 12.00pm
Mon 15th November 2010 1.30pm – 4.30pm

Bite Sized Option: Electronic Books
How to access and use e-books efficiently from home. Some time will be spent exploring the library catalogue.
Fri 22nd October 2010 12.00pm - 1.00pm
Call 0161 419 4690 to book your place on one of our FREE courses.

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Clincal Knowledge Summaries

Working in the community? Do make use of the Clinical Knowledge Summaries by clicking on the tab in or going direct via

Here are some recently added topics for you to explore
Crohn's disease (new)
Polycythaemia/erythrocytosis (new)
Post-traumatic stress disorder (new)
Ulcerative colitis (new)

Friday, 2 July 2010

JULY 2010

"It's better to be barefoot than bookless."
Icelandic proverb.

Did you know...?
Iceland publishes the greatest number of books per capita in the world, and the literacy rate is 100%.