Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Free tutorials on the Virtual Training Suite

Intute has updated the tutorials on its Virtual Training Suite. This resource offers free tutorials on the use of the Web for education and research. These focus on online academic resources and provide guidance on critically evaluating material found on the internet. The tutorials are produced by subject specialists from UK universities and are aimed at students. There are tutorials for most degree subjects, including the following:

The tutorials include practical exercises, quizzes, and a 'links basket' which allows the user to keep a record of all the websites covered in the session.

To pick a tutorial from your area of interest, click on the following link: www.vts.intute.ac.uk/

Monday, 3 August 2009


The one good thing about an unsettled summer is that it makes the countryside look more beautiful than ever...

The Wiley-Blackwell Influenza website

In response to the increased interest in the A1H1 pandemic, Wiley-Blackwell has launched Essential Resources in Influenza, an online reference website which offers free access to reviews and podcasts from the Cochrane Library, articles from journals such as The Hospitalist and Influenza and other Respiratory Viruses, plus chapters from selected books. This online content is free to view and can be accessed here: http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/Section/id-390055.html

Annual Evidence Updates for August

Every month, various specialist collections within NHS Evidence (formally the National Library for Health) publish an Annual Evidence Update (AEU) of the latest high-quality information published on a particular topic within their clinical specialty. The resources selected will include high-level evidence such as systematic reviews and clinical trials.

This month, two AEUs are scheduled for publication: Diabetic Retinopathy and Headache. They will both be launched on Monday 24th August. Go to NHS Evidence - Diabetes http://www.library.nhs.uk/diabetes/ and NHS Evidence - Neurological Conditions http://www.library.nhs.uk/neurological/ from August 24th to access the updates.

Public Health Interventions Cost Effectiveness Database

The Public Health Interventions Cost Effectiveness Database (PHICED) has been created for clinicians and commissioners who want to know more about the economic and health impacts of different public health programmes such as alcohol, obesity, physical activity and tobacco. The database contains information on NICE guidance, costing templates and cost-effectiveness studies. Click on the following link to search the database: http://www.yhpho.org.uk/nphl/nphlresults.asp