In 2008, the NHS bought the whole of the BMJ journal collection and JAMA and its archives for online use across the NHS in England. We had previously bought this for you and so this money became available to purchase other journals. Also Blackwell publishers were bought by Wiley and we believed that they might alter how they sold the Blackwell collection.
At the end of October we learnt that Wiley will continue with an enhanced Wiley-Blackwell collection at a price we can afford. The enhancement includes some top titles from Wiley. The following are the new titles which were requested.
* Arthritis and Rheumatism (previously physically taken);
* British journal of surgery;
* Diabetes Metabolism Research and Reviews;
* Hepatology;
* International Wound Journal
All told 29 titles were requested from this collection, including the most requested journal. When we calculated the cost of these journals it came to considerably more than the collection.
We are continuing to work on the other journals to buy and are looking at those areas which are poorly provided at the moment and seeing what is the best deal we can do with the remaining money.
Finally, the vote for keeping UpToDate at the expense of more journals was resoundedly voted for by 68% of respondents. We will continue for another year although it is paid for in dollars ....